Design Pattern Evangelist Blog

Smart pointers about software design

About Jim Humelsine

A little background about me and this blog.

About Jim

I’m Jim Humelsine (AKA Design Pattern Evangelist). I trace my desire to work with computers back to my youth when watching “Batman” and “Lost in Space” on television in the 1960s. I was entranced with the Bat Computer in the Bat Cave, the computer on board the Jupiter 2 and of course Will Robinson’s Robot.

At 16, I vividly remember watching my first program execute. It was the summer of 1977, and I was attending a computer programming day camp at a local state college where we were learning BASIC. I wrote a program that printed out the prime numbers less than 100. I remember being delighted and a bit amazed watching the teletype clickety clacking out numbers about two every second: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, … I was hooked. I knew what I wanted to do for my career.

Fast forward about 45 years. I earned a BS and MS in Computer Science. I’ve been a software developer for 38 years. I’ve retired as of June 2023.


I learned a lot in those years. I want to share what I’ve learned with others, so I’ve started a blog. I think that most of this will be in the realm of Software Engineering, which I view as related to but separate from Computer Science. However, I suspect I will dabble in Computer Science topics as well. I’m starting with my favorite topic, Design Patterns, hence my handle on some social media handle on some platforms - Design Pattern Evangelist (Jim). But I’ll be writing about other Software topics, such as Test-Driven Development, Domain-Driven Development, Refactoring, Legacy Code, etc.

It may take me a whole to find my own style, but here are some guidelines that I’m going to try to adhere to:

