Design Pattern Evangelist Blog

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Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern

Delegate a request through a linked chain of handlers until one of the handlers can complete the request.

Customer Service Decision Tree


The Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern is the next of the Composable Design Patterns series.

Chain of Responsibility (CoR) delegates a request through a set of handlers until one can complete the request. The handlers are organized in a linked list, i.e., the chain, such that the least resource intensive handlers tend to reside earlier in the list and the more resource intensive handlers reside later in the list.

Chain of Responsibility can trace its roots back to the Strategy design pattern, as can almost every pattern I’ve presented since Strategy. With CoR, each handler is a strategy option, but the CoR design is not limited to choosing one strategy. Strategies, as handlers, can be chained together dynamically so that if one strategy is not applicable, then there may be another one down the chain that will be.

Real World Analogies to Chain of Responsibility

Like Decorator, CoR is not difficult to implement. Its main challenge is comprehension. Here are a few real-world examples to ease one into the CoR concept.

Customer Support

Customer Support Bank

Almost everyone has called customer support with an issue at some point. Customer support begins with a bank of front-line representatives doing their best to resolve the issue. But sometimes, they cannot, because they may not have the authority to resolve a challenging issue.

The customer may escalate by asking to speak to a manager, who has additional authority to resolve the issue. If the manager cannot resolve the issue, then the customer may escalate to the manager’s manager.

Can I speak to a manager?

The customer may continue to escalate until either their issue is resolved, or they run out of managers.

Customer support is a Chain of Responsibility starting front-line representatives and proceeding through managers. The front-line representatives have enough authority for most issues, but they may not have enough authority for more the challenging ones. Front-line representatives can handle most requests, leaving the more challenging requests to the diminishing number of managers through the management chain who have more authority for the more challenging issues.

The Judicial System

Justice statue

The Judicial System in the United States is a type of Chain of Responsibility.

If a party in a legal dispute is dissatisfied, they have the option to appeal the decision to a higher court. This proceeds until the dissatisfied party is satisfied, the court refuses to hear the case, or the case reaches the highest court in the land.

$PATH in Unix/Linux

In Unix/Linux, you can type the name of an executable from the command line. The desired executable can be in almost any directory in the system.

$PATH is a shell variable that’s comprised of a colon separated list of directories where executables reside. Unix/Linux will look for the executable one directory at a time in the $PATH list. It will execute the first one it finds that matches the name. This behavior is Chain of Responsibility.

Other PATH variables are also used to find libraries, classes, man pages, etc. They exist in other operating systems too.


A Cache is a Chain of Responsibility.

Caches are quick, yet not always complete repositories of information. If information is not found in a cache, then it is retrieved from a more resource intensive source of truth such as a database or web service.

Bloom Filter

A Bloom Filter is a Chain of Responsibility, mainly because it’s a form of cache.

It’s a space-efficient probabilistic algorithm that will efficiently determine with 100% accuracy if a piece of information is not in a data store, but it is not reliable when the information is present in the data store. I.e., its responses should be interpreted as:

Switch and Cascading If/Else-If/Else Statements

If/Then/Else/End Flowchart

switch statements and cascading if/else-if/else statements are a form of Chain of Responsibility. The flow of control proceeds through the conditions until the first one is satisfied, and then its corresponding statement body is executed.

The main difference between switch/if/else-if/else and CoR is that the former is statically locked in the code and the latter is dynamic. This is not unlike the comparison of inheritance and the Decorator design pattern.

I’m not a huge fan of switch/if/else-if/else in the code base. I’ve encountered them being replicated repeatedly for different behaviors throughout the code base, rather organizing and encapsulating behaviors within their respective classes. switch/if/else-if/else code is difficult to understand and maintain. This is a code smell and really a topic for another blog.

Sometimes these control flow structures are needed for algorithmic or business policy. For me, they become code smells when the control flow structures are based upon different type variations of the same common theme.

Design Structure

Chain of Responsibility and Decorator are almost identical structurally, but they are distinct in behavior. I will highlight their similarities and differences before getting into the CoR’s design structure.

How Chain of Responsibility and Decorator are the same

The UML class diagrams for Chain of Responsibility and Decorator look almost identical. Both feature an abstract class that delegates back to a version of itself. This defines the linked list for both.

Both patterns feature delegating calls down the linked list.

Properties of the linked list are so similar that the same delegate reference can be used for both CoR and Decorator behavior in the same class, and in some cases, even in the same method.

How Chain of Responsibility and Decorator are different

The primary difference between Chain of Responsibility and Decorator is in how they delegate down the linked list.

Decorator always delegates down the linked list to the anchor object at the end and returns. Each object in the list can apply different behaviors on the delegate calls down the linked list and/or on the returns coming back. All objects in the list are always executed and all contribute to the aggregate behavior.

Chain of Responsibility delegates down the linked list until one of the handler objects in the linked list can complete the request. That handler completes the request, and flow returns back the list without traversing to the other handlers in the list. If the first handler object in the list is sufficient, then no other handler objects are executed. Only one handler object in the list handles the request and none of the others contribute to the completion of the request.

It’s also possible that no object in the linked list can complete the request.

GoF Chain of Responsibility

Here’s a summary of the GoF’s CoR design:

Chain of Responsibility via GoF

Here’s an example of the linked list of objects that can be created for this design:

Chain of Responsibility via GoF with Objects

In this example, B is the more reliable and more resource intense handler. A is the less reliable and less resource intense handler. While we could configure an A handler after the B handler, there’s no logical reason to do so.

Much like the GoF’s Decorator design, I have a few issues with their Chain of Responsibility design:

Chain of Responsibility with Template Method

I want to remove my depending upon faith in my fellow developers to get everything right in the concrete handlers.

This design incorporates the Template Method Design Pattern into the design, much as I did with Decorator:

Chain of Responsibility using Template Method

Here’s an example of the linked list of objects that can be created for this design, which is the same as the objects in the GoF’s CoR example, but with the addition of anchoringRequestHandler at the end of the chain:

Chain of Responsibility via GoF with Objects

Use Case – Address Book

This Chain of Responsibility Use Case example is based upon an actual work assignment I had.

The Problem Scenario

One day our PM/CTO called me into his office. He described a data management situation to me. Rather than attempt to recreate a 12-year-old conversation from memory, I’ll highlight the main points:

He asked if I knew of any design pattern that might help with this.

Chaining Data Sources

Little Black Book

While I had never used Chain of Responsibility, it was the first idea that came to my mind. I went through several design iterations before settling upon something like this design:

Address Book via Chain of Responsibility

Concrete AddressBookHandlers

I can’t quite fit the entire design on one diagram, since the AddressBookHandler details required considerable space. If this were a design only for me, I would not have added the concrete classes above. The abstract AddressBookHandler would have been sufficient for the design on that page. But since this design is trying to convey the overall design, I included them above.

Here is the second part of the design, which provides some additional design details for the concrete AddressBooks:

Address Book Concrete Classes via Chain of Responsibility

If this were a design just for me, it would have started with the abstract AddressBookHandler as before, but without the AddressBook interface it implements. And if more space were needed for each concrete Address Book class, then the above could have been split into three separate diagrams to provide additional details for each concrete class as needed.

Cache Invalidation

The design as shown has an issue with stale cached Groups. I mentioned that the organizational hierarchy was dynamic. It could change at any time. As designed, once a Group is in the cache, it’s never updated or removed.

We were able to accommodate for this with another design feature in the real project, which I’ll describe briefly, but I won’t represent in the design example. We subscribed to updates and deletions from the Database and the WebService. When we received a notification that a Group had been updated or deleted, we deleted it from the Cache. A fresh version would be repopulated in the Cache upon the next request that referenced it.

The subscription and notification mechanism is the Observer design pattern, which I’ve not mentioned previously, but I plan to blog about it in the future.

And to be technically accurate, our DataBaseAddressBook did not add the Group to the Database in its addGroup(String name, Group group) method. Another organization was responsible for the Database’s content. We only had read-only permission. Therefore the addGroup(String name, Group group) method, for which an implementation was required, was an empty method. The same was true for WebServiceAddressBook.addGroup(String name, Group group) method for similar reasons.


Composable designs provide structural potential but not behavior. The behavior must be composed by a Configurer type of class. My PM/CTO had described the possible configurations. They would be:

Address Book via Chain of Responsibility Objects

My first Configurer implementation was based upon building the linked list chain from a configuration String value, such as:

The Configurer would split $ADDRESSBOOK_PATH with a colon delimiter, acquire the corresponding object from an AddressBookFactory, not shown in the diagram, and chain them together into a linked list.

This worked fine in my testing, but it was not a good production quality solution. Our product was part of a fleet embedded systems for which there could be hundreds if not thousands of individual systems. Configuring each embedded system correctly was not realistic.

The first obvious observation was that ADDRESSBOOK_PATH always started with Cache and ended with GroupNotFound. The only parts that varied were DataBase and WebService.

Other environment variables implied whether the DataBase or a WebService was accessible in each environment. Therefore, I updated the Configurer so that it constructed ADDRESSBOOK_PATH based upon known values and environment variables. The configuration issue evaporated.

Introducing a new Organization

My PM/CTO had hinted that the AddressBook might need to accommodate a sibling organization in addition to the original customer. As I mentioned above, that never materialized.

However, if it were to materialize, then we would have had to consider the following:

Pattern Review

The AddressBook use case features more than just Chain of Responsibility. Design patterns are rarely used in isolation. They often work together.

Here’s a quick summary of the design patterns featured or mentioned in this use case:

Chain of Responsibility Pros and Cons

The relative pros and cons of Chain of Responsibility are like those with most of the Composable design patterns.


Composable behavior may be more difficult to diagnose with Chain of Responsibility. While it should be simple to understand individual concrete classes in a CoR design, the responsibility to orchestrate observable behavior resides in the Configurer.

Integration or acceptance tests may be needed to confirm that desired behavior emerges when the objects are composed.


Chain of Responsibility’s composable behavior is also a pro. Behavior is not hardcoded into place as is the case with switch or if/else-if/else statements. When a new responsibility chain is desired, it may be a relatively simple matter of a new composition of objects instantiated from the existing handler classes in the design.

Sometimes new handler responsibility is beyond the scope of a new composition. A new handler class may need to be implemented. Existing concrete classes can be implementation references to provide examples for new concrete class implementation.

The classes can be unit tested with ease. Even the abstract DelegatingRequestHandler class can be unit tested with a dependency upon a test double without depending upon another concrete class in the design.

There may be many concrete classes in a CoR design, but they tend to be independent. They don’t depend upon or know about each other. Therefore, new concrete classes can be added with fear of breaking existing classes. It’s also easier to identify and remove deprecated classes when they are no longer needed.


Chain of Responsibility provides flexibility within a design. CoR is an extension of the Strategy design pattern. Each concrete handler is a strategy option, but within the context of CoR, the design is not limited to one strategy at a time. Strategies, as handlers, can be chained together dynamically so that if one strategy is not applicable, then there may be another one down the chain that will be.


There are many online resources with diagrams and implementations in different programming languages. Here are some free resources:

Here are some resources that can be purchased or are included in a subscription service:


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