Design Pattern Evangelist Blog

Smart pointers about software design

Interpreter Design Pattern – Scanner and Parser

The basics of Scanner and Parser theory and practice.


This blog continues the Interpreter Design Pattern series by venturing into territory that’s often not covered in Interpreter write ups – scanners and parsers.

My previous blog showed how to implement the Domain-Specific Language (DSL) classes from the design. I added One Final Test to get a sense of how the components could be assembled to evaluate several Rational expressions. I concluded that section with:

… [the test code that creates and assembles the objects is] HORRIBLE. Unfortunately, this is where the Gang of Four and other Interpreter Design Pattern write ups tend to leave you. Do not fret, dear reader. I shall not abandon you. I am bound and determined to complete this DSL use case and implement it in such a way that it will be a fully functioning DSL, even if the domain is limited to Rational number evaluations.

The final implementation will be the parser, which will process the DSL and build the elements as shown above. The DSL should be easier to express intent than the raw code.

My original intent was to describe scanners and parsers and then add the scanner and parser implementation for the Rational Expression Evaluator. But the scanner and parser write up required more space than I anticipated. The next blog will include the implementation.

Trigger Warning: Unlike the previous blog, which contained no theory, this one has some. I’ve tried to provide the theory in context and there are no proofs.

Theory and practice are tightly coupled for scanners and parsers. Scanners and parsers can be auto-generated due to the mathematical rigor defined in the theory. Even if you hand-craft your own, the theory dictates most of the design.

Gang of Four Parser References

Technically, the Gang of Four (GoF) didn’t leave the reader completely hanging. There are a few parser references in their Interpreter description:

For complex grammars, the class hierarchy for the grammar becomes large and unmanageable. Tools such as parser generators are a better alternative in such cases. They can interpret expressions without building abstract syntax trees, which can save space and possibly time.

Classes defining nodes in the abstract syntax tree have similar implementations. These classes are easy to write, and often their generation can be automated with a compiler or parser generator.

… grammars containing many rules can be hard to manage and maintain. Other design patterns can be applied to mitigate the problem. But when the grammar is very complex, other techniques such as parser or compiler generators are more appropriate.

The Interpreter pattern doesn’t explain how to create an abstract syntax tree. In other words, it doesn’t address parsing. The abstract syntax tree can be created by a table-driven parser, by a hand-crafted (usually recursive descent) parser, or directly by the client.

I suspect that the GoF didn’t present parser details, since they may have assumed that the reader was already familiar with parsers. This may have been a reasonable assumption in 1995 when the book was published. But today, many developers are self-taught or bootcamp graduates, and they may not have been exposed to parsers.

The Parser creates objects and assembles them into a tree, which goes by several names, such as: abstract syntax tree, parse tree, or in pattern parlance, Composite object tree. I will probably use the terms parse tree and composite object tree interchangeably in this blog.


The GoF grouped several Creational Patterns together, which featured different techniques to create objects without the client needing to call new() directly. I haven’t presented their Creational Patterns. I’ve presented Factories previously, which is a Creational Pattern, and I’ve used Factory as a type of Configurer.

Fundamentally the Parser is a Configurer. The GoF rarely showed how Creational Patterns could be used in context as Configurers in their other design patterns. I guess I should not be too surprised that they didn’t go into more detail with Parsers, since they didn’t feature other Configurers in other design pattern presentations.

My previous Configurer representations have mostly been straightforward applications of the Factory pattern. These examples have mostly been hardcoded, and any variation has generally been achieved via a switch statement.

Parser is more sophisticated. It will dynamically build a Composite object tree based upon a script/program/configuration/specification written in the DSL grammar. There is one design pattern that’s close to this concept, but the GoF didn’t fully flesh out its ability as a Parser. It’s the Builder Design Pattern, and I’ll blog about it in the future (TBD). For now, here are two references:

Builder hints at Parser behavior in that it creates and assembles objects based upon a configuration specification, but that does not seem to be its primary intent in Builder presentations.

Parser and Scanner Theory and Practice

By pure serendipity, I took Automata Theory and Compiler Design and Implementation in the same semester at college. There were a few times where I literally had the same lecture material in both classes on the same day. The Automata Theory course presented the theory of a concept in my first period class, and then the Compiler course presented the same concept as a practice for compilers in my third period class. Seeing theory and practice of the same concept helped me understand both.

Given that Jeffery Ullman was the co-author for my text books in both classes, the Cinderella book and the Dragon book respectively, I guess I should not be surprised. Both books still reside on my bookshelf over 40 years later.


Automata Theory is about mathematical models of computation and what is computable. There are three basic mathematical models, also known as automata:

Automata Theory defines these machines and proves what they can and cannot compute.

Finite Automata

Finite Automata

A Finite Automaton is a state machine. It consists of a set of states with transitions that move from state to state. From a start state, it reads a list of symbols, often characters, i.e., the list is a string. They are event triggers that move the machine from one state to another. Each read symbol triggers one state transition.

After all the symbols have been read with their corresponding state transitions applied, the Finite Automaton will be in an Accepting state (double circle in the diagram) or a Rejecting state (single circle in the diagram). If Accepting, then the list symbols, i.e., the string, are part of a language that the Finite Automaton accepts. Otherwise, it is not part of that language.

If the Finite Automaton encounters a symbol in mid-list processing for which there is not an event transition to another state, then that string is not in the language either.

Compressing several weeks of lecture proofs into a one sentence conclusion, the only types of languages that a Finite Automata can accept are Regular Languages/Expressions. This is the extent of Finite Automata computation.

There’s even a stronger relationship between the two. Given any Finite Automaton, we can always construct a Regular Language that describes the only strings that the Automaton accepts. Given any Regular Language, we can always construct a Finite Automaton that only accepts strings in that Language.

Finite Automata and Regular Languages are two sides of the same coin.

Pushdown Automata

Pushdown Automata

Can we design automata that have more computational power than Finite Automata?

This leads to the Pushdown Automata, which is a Finite Automata with a stack added to it. This additional bit of memory allows us to do more.

The only types of languages that a Pushdown Automata accepts are Context-Free Grammars, which I introduced in the Interpreter Grammar blog. This is the extent of Pushdown Automata computation.

Given any Pushdown Automaton, we can always construct a Context-Free Grammar that describes the only strings that the Automaton accepts. Given any Context-Free Grammar, we can always construct a Pushdown Automaton that only accepts strings in that Grammar.

Pushdown Automata and Context-Free Grammars are two sides of their own same coin.

Recall that Context-Free Grammars are rules defined in terms of other rules, which includes recursive references as well. When a referenced rule has been completed, the grammar returns to the rule from which it was referenced. This is conceptually equivalent to a procedure call. Programming languages manage procedure calls via the call stack. The Pushdown Automata stack provides the same functionality. It remembers the state of where it left off so that it can return to that state.

But stack memory has two limitations:

Turing Machine

Turing Machine

Can we design an automaton that has more computational power than Pushdown Automata?

This leads to the Turing Machine, named after its creator Alan Turing. A Turing Machine is similar to a Finite Automaton, but we’re not going to add a stack like we did with the Pushdown Automata.

The main difference between a Finite Automata and a Turing Machine is how each interacts with its list of symbols/characters. A Finite Automata can only read the list one symbol at a time moving forward to the next character in the list. A Turing Machine can do the following with its list of symbols:

That relatively simple list change of upgrading Finite Automata to Turing Machines unlocks all known forms of computation. See: Church-Turing Thesis. Turing proved that even when you try to define a more powerful Turing Machine, he could still use a basic Turing Machine to emulate the more “powerful” version. No matter what new direction we go into, we return to where we started. For example, a Turing Machine with multiple lists of symbols is no more powerful than a Turing Machine with one list of symbols. That is, given any multiple list Turing machine, we can always create a single list Turing Machine that returns the same computable results. The single list Turing Machine will have more components, and it will probably take more cycles to complete, but it can still compute everything the multiple list Turing Machine can compute.


Turing Machines are hardcoded. They are the mathematical equivalent of breadboards. Turing proved there existed a Turing Machine that could read the configuration specification of any hardcoded Turing Machine and emulate its behavior. It’s known as a Universal Turing Machine. A Universal Turing Machine can be programmed, not just wired! All modern computers are Universal Turing Machines.

Turing also proved that some problems are not computable. That is, there is no solution to them. The most famous unsolvable problem is the Halting Problem.

Alan Turing is considered the father of Theorical Computer Science, and he did most of this work before the first electronic computers were built. Tragically, we lost him too soon.

There are so many wild and wonderful topics here, but I need to stop before I venture too deep down into the rabbit hole.


In general, Interpreters will scan, parse and evaluate a statement each time it encounters it. For example, the body of a while loop will be scanned, parsed and reevaluated in each loop execution. Interpreters tend to have more flexibility, but these programs tend to execute slower.

In general, Compilers will scan and parse the entire program once, and create object code for the entire program. Compilers tend to have less flexibility, but these programs tend to execute faster.

In the Grammar to Design blog, I stated:

Explicit token elements, such as ‘(‘ or ‘)’ or keywords, are used for parsing, but they won’t be in the design. The token elements are road signs that help the parser identify where rules start and end and verify that parsing is on track.

These explicit tokens will be critical in parsing. It’s how the parser determines which grammar rules to apply.

Interpreter/Compiler Architecture Flow

Interpreters and Compilers are comprised of three basic parts:

Allow me to introduce these three concepts using natural language. Consider the following letters in order: p, o, o, l.

A scanner would combine those four letters into the word: pool. But this alone is not enough to know how it is used. Let’s continue with pool in the following sentences:

A parser would determine how each word functions in its sentence. In the first appearance, pool is a verb. In the second appearance, pool is a noun. In the third appearance, pull is a verb.

pull? Where did pull come from? While pool and pull are spelled differently, they are pronounced the same. In spoken language, we’d need to distinguish which use applies. A parser for a digital assistant, such as Alexa, it would need to distinguish pool from pull.

Parsers identify parts of speech, but not their meaning. They focus upon syntax not semantics. The semantic analyzer provides meaning and context.

The Interpreter/Compiler difference has an equivalent with natural language. Translating conversation between speakers of two different languages is like an Interpreter. Each sentence must be translated even if repeated. Translating a written document from one language to another is like a Compiler. Each sentence only needs to be translated once.


A script/program/configuration/specification is one long ASCII string. The scanner groups those string characters into higher-level concepts. This entire blog is one long ASCII string, but readers group words, punctuation, etc. This is most often done via whitespace and agreed upon punctuation rules.

Scanners do the same. Here are a few examples of the type of tokens a scanner may decide applies to a sequence of characters:

Each language has its own scanner token rules. For example, reserved words will vary among languages and while === is a token in Javascript, it is not a token in C++ or Java.

Scanner token rules can be defined using Regular Languages, and from the theory above, we know that given a Regular Language, we can always construct a Finite Automaton, or Finite State Machine, that will accept and identify the tokens defined by that Regular Language.

State Machines are an ideal implementation choice for Scanners.


The Parser adds syntactic structure to the tokens created by the Scanner. Returning to natural language, if a Scanner organizes letters into words, then the Parser organizes words into sentences.

Programming language syntax is defined using Context-Free Grammars. Each language has its own grammar rules. From the theory above, we know that given a Context-Free Grammar, we can always construct a Pushdown Automaton that will organize the scanner tokens into a parse tree.

Pushdown Automata are an ideal implementation choice for Parsers, but we generally don’t implement Parsers with literal Pushdown Automata.

The GoF use the phrase: hand-crafted (usually recursive descent) parser. A Recursive Descend Parser is a top-down parser. More specifically, I’ll describe an LL(k) Parser which parses rules Left to Right applying the Leftmost rule looking no more than k tokens ahead.

That all sounds more intimidating than it really is. It’s mostly a set of methods that call each other. The implementation derives from the grammar about as easily as the design derived from the grammar. Sometimes the implementation needs to look a few tokens ahead to know which methods to call.

These parsers basically work this way:

This description is a form of Pushdown Automata. The flow of control in the methods is the “state machine” and the implicit call stack is the stack. A Parser is still a Pushdown Automata, but it’s in the form of more conventional programming language constructs.

The design approach should make more sense with the Parser I plan to create and post in the next blog.

Semantic Analyzer

The Semantic Analyzer adds meaning to the parse tree. In a Compiler, the Semantic Analyzer will tend to generate object code, which could be machine code, Java Bytecode, or a higher level language. The object code in my college compiler course was Pascal.

In an Interpreter, especially with our design pattern, it will be the classes already implemented from the grammar as seen in the Design to Implementation blog.

We don’t get the same break with semantic analysis that we get with Regular Languages/Finite Automata and Context-Free Grammars/Pushdown Automata. Technically we do, but all programs are Turing Machines, and there’s no semantic definition to guide us. We must code the semantics ourselves.

Scanner and Parser Generators

The real payoff with this theory and practice is that this is so well defined with mathematical rigor that scanners and parsers can be generated from Regular Languages and Context-Free Grammars automatically.

The GoF mentioned generators briefly with:

For complex grammars, the class hierarchy for the grammar becomes large and unmanageable. Tools such as parser generators are a better alternative in such cases. They can interpret expressions without building abstract syntax trees, which can save space and possibly time.

Classes defining nodes in the abstract syntax tree have similar implementations. These classes are easy to write, and often their generation can be automated with a compiler or parser generator.

… grammars containing many rules can be hard to manage and maintain. Other design patterns can be applied to mitigate the problem. But when the grammar is very complex, other techniques such as parser or compiler generators are more appropriate.


Lex is a scanner generator.


Yacc (Yet Another Compiler Compiler) is a parser generator.


ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a parser generator.

And More

If these don’t work in your environment, maybe one in this Parser Generators List will work.

Home Spun

Scanners and Parsers are so deterministic, that they aren’t too difficult to write your own if your DSL doesn’t get too large. From the GoF:

The Interpreter pattern doesn’t explain how to create an abstract syntax tree. In other words, it doesn’t address parsing. The abstract syntax tree can be created by a table-driven parser, by a hand-crafted (usually recursive descent) parser, or directly by the client.

I’ll be writing my own from scratch for the Rational Expression Evaluator example.


If you made it this far, you have my respect. This can be some pretty dense material. It’s challenging to compress the main points of two intense college courses into one blog without it getting a bit long.

Scanners and Parsers will allow us to convert DSL scripts/programs/specifications/configurations into objects organized within a Composite object tree. Mathematical rigor may support their being auto-generated or we can write our own without much difficulty.

I had originally planned for this blog to include the implementation, but I’m well over 3,000 words and I need to wrap it up. I will continue with the Rational Expression Evaluator scanner and parser code in the next blog.


See: Interpreter Design Pattern Introduction/References for overall references.


Previous: Interpreter Design Pattern – Design to Implementation

Next: Interpreter Design Pattern – Scanner and Parser Implementation

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